This post will describe how can we ingest the geospatial data into Apache Solr for search and query. The pipeline is built with Apache Spark and Apache Spark Solr connector. The purpose of this project is to ingest and index
Cloud Archive
Docker backup and restore volume container
This is the continuation from my previous post where I had explained how to run spring boot app inside the docker container as daemon which is using MongoDB as storage and the [/data/db] volume was mounted as docker container volume.
Spring Boot App deployed with Docker and Data Only Container Pattern Explained.
The more I use and learn about Docker and the more I feel like I can’t live without it.This blog is about Docker amazing feature Volume Containers.I wanted to write the Spring Boot app and deploy it to the Docker
Apache Storm and Kafka Cluster with Docker
This post is all about real time analytic on large data sets. I am sure every one has heard about Apache Kafka (Distributed publish subscribe messaging broker) and Apache Storm (Distributed real time computation system.) and if you were disappointed
Hadoop (YARN) Multinode Cluster with Docker
It’s been a while since I have been planning to write a blog and share the knowledge .My wife has been trying to convince me from a very long time that I should write the tech blog because she thinks